Monday, November 5, 2007

Basic Ear Anatomy Worksheet

1. Sketch a picture of an ear and label the following:

2. What is the function of the following:
  • Pinna- conveys sound waves to the inside of the ear

  • tympanic membrane- composed of the pinna and teh auditory canal. vibrates with sound waves.

  • ossicles- magnify sound vibrations

  • cochlea- is a hair-lined fluid-filled cavity that conveys signals to the brain which produces the sense called sound

  • semicircular canals- controls balance

3. What three bones make up the ossicles?

The malleus, the stapes, and the incus.

4. What is the function of hairs in the ear?

The hairs in the ear act as stimuli to send signals to the brain so you can hear.